The Importance of Using a Board Portal with Exceptional Service
Whether you serve on a hospital, government, university, nonprofit or other type of board, business is competitive. Today’s society and economy are complex and volatile. As a result, boards face many challenges. They must adapt to thrive and survive. Organizations that are able to adapt to changing circumstances will be better able to create a path toward market saturation and future success. Organizations that can’t adapt to rapid changes are doomed to failure.
Many organizations have trouble navigating a strategy in the war between profitability and customer service. Warren Buffett once said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” Successful organizations know that they can only be successful by keeping their customers’ best interests at heart.
There Is Value in Good Customer Service
Many industries, particularly in retail, tout the importance of the customer always being right. It’s really much more than that. Good customer service means someone doesn’t talk down to you or look for more ways to upsell you. Good customer service means treating a customer like family. It entails going out of the way and doing more than the minimum. It means delivering value so that businesses can focus on the task at hand and enjoy success.
How Can You Know That a Board Portal Vendor Is Vested in Your Business?
In considering the importance of great customer service, try to recall the types of issues that send messages to you about poor customer service. For instance, when a service provider doesn’t know your name or why you purchase their goods and services, it makes you feel like you are little more than a number. You despise waiting in long lines, just to be greeted by someone who has to call on someone else to help you meet your needs.
On the flip side, great customer service providers consider working with you a partnership. You’re apt to appreciate customer service agents who greet you with a smile and are happy to get started working on your needs or problems. Great customer service agents share your passion for your business and express their desire to help you succeed. They’ll listen for ways they can help you work more efficiently and work with you on developing solutions that are within your budget.
How BoardEffect Provides Exceptional Service
BoardEffect knows the value of customer service, which is why their dedicated customer service representatives are committed to the philosophy of Relentless Care™. BoardEffect knows that boards of directors don’t keep a 9-to-5 schedule. The importance of their work often requires them to work late nights, early mornings or on weekends. BoardEffect customers can count on customer service representatives to be there when they need them.
That’s why BoardEffect doesn’t limit the hours that you can contact them, whether you need help with the workings of the program, you want to learn how to use the features more efficiently, or you need some 11th-hour training for a new board trustee. BoardEffect’s expert customer service representatives stand ready and willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that you’re confident in the mastery of the BoardEffect platform. More importantly, you won’t have to worry about getting charged additional fees if you need extra help.
How BoardEffect Customer Service Creates Loyalty
To understand what your board’s needs are, your board portal vendor needs to be willing and open to learning more about your board and your organization. This is the only way they can work toward developing new solutions to help your board work more efficiently. BoardEffect aims to be innovative in meeting your needs in this changing environment so they can earn and keep your business.
In streamlining board processes and making them more efficient, boards can focus more heavily on their primary responsibilities of strategic planning, mitigating risk and organizational oversight. Knowing that you can rely on timely and effective customer service, boards won’t experience system downtime, and they get the added benefit of knowing how to use all of the board features that will greatly enhance their board work.
BoardEffect’s customer service representatives desire to match your organization’s values to help prevent future problems and to build the value that your organization offers. Only four of every 100 businesses survive to their 10-year anniversary. That equates to a 96% failure rate. A board portal can help your organization become one of the four-in-100 success stories.
BoardEffect’s platform streamlines the business end of the business so that your organization can focus on its mission, vision, members and other stakeholders. A board portal gives your board the necessary time to focus on core activities, which leads to the success of your cause.
BoardEffect’s Unmatched Customer Service Helps You Develop Expertise
BoardEffect’s customer service team understands that board directors have different learning styles, particularly when the board has a multigenerational composition. BoardEffect offers a Client Advocacy Program to help your organization transition to working through a board portal that helps manage board information and elevates organizational performance.
Customer service representatives strive to gear their coaching methods to users’ unique learning styles. BoardEffect is willing to provide a variety of learning opportunities, including self-service guides, videos, webinars and onsite training.
BoardEffect values ongoing training to ensure fully faceted adoption of the board portal system. Customers have the option of submitting a help ticket, sending an email or just placing a phone call.
Boards can access additional information on an ongoing basis through blog posts, white papers, articles and newsletters.
Great Customer Service Precedes Organizational Success
Organizations of all kinds will benefit from the value that BoardEffect’s unmatched personal service provides. With a continuous spirit of Relentless Care™, BoardEffect is vested in the success of your business or organization. Knowing that good customer service will help our organization succeed, BoardEffect places high value on long-standing relationships. In evaluating board portal service providers, there’s more to a provider than a secure board portal with standard features. To ensure a long-term, beneficial relationship with your board portal service provider, you’ll want to choose BoardEffect, an industry leader with a strong commitment to high-quality customer service.