Printable Board Meeting Minutes Template

Board meeting minutes are standard protocol for volunteer board meetings, and they serve a variety of purposes. Most often, meeting minutes serve internal objectives for the board and the organization, such as recordkeeping and building institutional memory. Somewhat less frequently, but just as important, board meeting minutes may be used for audits, investigations or court cases.
Your designated minute-taker, usually the board secretary, can use a template for meeting minutes to save time and make sure you cover everything you need in your minutes.
This handy printable board meeting minutes template is ready for you to use or share with colleagues.
Download the meeting minutes template and start saving time on minutes today.
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“When looking for a board portal we reviewed several in the industry. BoardEffect met our functionality requirements equal to each of their competitors. Based on the function and price comparison BoardEffect was easily seen as the best solution. We have been pleased with our implementation and our ongoing support by BoardEffect. BoardEffect has a wide install base that gives them the experience to guide implementation decisions for best practice with their portal.”
Joyce Miller Evans
Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services