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Best Practices For A Healthcare Compliance Plan

Best Practices for a Healthcare Compliance Plan

In today’s world, healthcare is more complex than ever. That may be at least one reason why fraud has been increasing in this industry. The National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association…

Social Media Best Practices For Your Nonprofit

Social Media Best Practices for Your Nonprofit

Social media outlets are a popular way to promote nonprofit organizations. Social media platforms are easy to use and there are plenty of platforms to choose from. What’s even better…

Top Five Best Practices in Nonprofit Governance

Increasing board effectiveness is a common goal that most nonprofit organizations strive for. However, actually putting the numerous techniques and approaches into practice is less common. In considering the best…

Best Practices For Nonprofit Bylaws

Best Practices for Nonprofit Bylaws

Governmental bodies do their best to serve the public, but there are never enough financial resources and personnel to fill every need. Nonprofit organizations also serve the public interest by…

Board Orientation Best Practices

Board Orientation Best Practices

Some board members attend their first board meeting knowing pretty much what to expect. Even experienced board directors benefit by having the opportunity to attend a well-prepared, well-organized board orientation…

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