Technology Risk Management Best Practices for Boards
Every industry uses technology in one form or another and most companies increase the number or sophistication of the digital processes they use a little every year. In some industries,…
Every industry uses technology in one form or another and most companies increase the number or sophistication of the digital processes they use a little every year. In some industries,…
The beginning process for a board evaluation can be a little daunting even if you’ve participated in them before. Every board should consider itself a work in progress so there’s…
Enthusiastic volunteers are the hallmark of a respectable, well-run nonprofit organization. Whether your volunteers commit a few hours here or there or whether they’re daily fixtures in your offices, they…
In today’s world, healthcare is more complex than ever. That may be at least one reason why fraud has been increasing in this industry. The National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association…
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Increasing board effectiveness is a common goal that most nonprofit organizations strive for. However, actually putting the numerous techniques and approaches into practice is less common. In considering the best…
Best practices for recruiting nonprofit board directors have been around for many years and the bulk of them are still applicable today. At the same time, so many things related…
Governmental bodies do their best to serve the public, but there are never enough financial resources and personnel to fill every need. Nonprofit organizations also serve the public interest by…
Some board members attend their first board meeting knowing pretty much what to expect. Even experienced board directors benefit by having the opportunity to attend a well-prepared, well-organized board orientation…